The project is the complete refurbishing of the extension office area for Gittigidiyor by eBay Headquarter Office. This new office of 1000 sqm is at same floor to the existing office. The main goal was to create fresh, dynamic and eco-friendly office environment that also represent the technological side of the brand for Finance, Sales, Marketing, HR and Legal departments. Our task included also a lifting in the existing office and reorganizing it for the R&D and IT Departments. The total project area is about 3000 sqm.
In the new office we imagined a central lower ceiling wooden box to divide the big open space and placed the directors so they can easily communicate with their team seating around just next to them. Also this wooden box permit to store most of the ventilation and A/C system machines to create an acoustically perfect open space office. Frozen real plants were used in the decoration to boost the mood of the users.